SunSoft Press - Books Coming Soon

Managing the New Enterprise: The Proof, Not the Hype

Harris Kern, Randy Johnson, Michael W. Hawkins, and Andrew Law.
With William Kennedy
ISBN 0-13-231184-4; $38 US
Pub date: November 1995

A follow-on book to Rightsizing the New Enterprise . How to build and day-to-day manage a client-server heterogeneous environment for supporting mission-critical applications. Randy Johnson is the president of R&H Associates, a firm specializing in these areas.

Programming with Threads

Steve Kleiman, Devang Shah, and Bart Smaalders
ISBN 0-13-172389-8
Pub date: December 1995/January 1996

Written by threads engineers at SunSoft, this book will be the definitive guide to developing multithreaded programs on UNIX. It will go into great depth on both theory and practice.

For more on threads.

Read Me First! A Style Guide for the Computer Industry

Sun Technical Publications
ISBN 0-13-455347-0; price TBA (includes a CD-ROM)
Pub date: TBA (January 1996?)

A comprehensive look at documenting computer products, from style pointers to legal guidelines, from working with an editor to building a publications department -- in both hard copy and searchable SGML format! Plus a searchable trademarks database, FrameMaker templates for instant page design, and a detailed guide to establishing a documentation department and its processes.

Threads Primer: A Guide to Multithreaded Programming

Bil Lewis and Daniel J. Berg
ISBN 0-13-443698-9; $28 US
Pub date: October/November 1995

Written for developers interested in MT programming, this primer overviews the concepts involved in multithreaded development. Based on the Solaris multithreaded architecture, the primer delivers threading concepts that can be applied to almost any multithreaded platform. The book covers the design and implementation of multithreaded programs as well as the business and technical benefits of threads. Both the Solaris and the POSIX threads API are used as the interface needed to develop applications. Extensive examples highlight the use of threads in real-world applications. This book is a must read for developers interested in MT technology!

For more on threads.

Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis

Samir Palnitkar
ISBN 0-13-451675-3 (hardcover); price TBA
Pub date: November 1995

Everything you always wanted to know about Verilog HDL, from fundamentals such as gate, RTL and behavioral modeling to advanced concepts such as timing simulation, switch level modeling, PLI and logic synthesis. This book approaches Verilog HDL from a practical design perspective rather than from a language standpoint. Simple yet illustrative examples and plenty of exercises help the reader master principles of digital design with Verilog HDL. This book is of value to new and experienced Verilog HDL users, both in industry and at universities (logic design courses).

Wabi 2: Opening Windows

Scott Fordin and Susan Nolin
ISBN 0-13-461617-0; price TBA
Pub date: December 1995

Use your Microsoft Windows applications with UNIX! Written for both users and system administrators of Wabi software, this book covers everything you wanted to know about Wabi 2, including: Wabi technical history, how Wabi works, UNIX for Microsoft Windows users, Microsoft Windows for UNIX users, X Window terminology and interface objects, additional sources of information on Wabi, sample settings in which Wabi is used, and common questions asked by users.

Web Page Design: A Different Multimedia

Mary E. S. Morris
ISBN 0-13-239880-X; price TBA
Pub date: TBA (December 1995/January 1996)

Everything you always wanted to know about practical Web page design from the best-selling author of HTML for Fun and Profit. Written for Web page authors, this hands-on guide covers the key aspects of designing a successful web site including cognitive design, content design, audience consideration, interactivity, organization, navigational pathways, and graphical elements. Also contains many examples of successful Web pages, including 16 color plates.

Comments and questions to SunSoft Press

All prices quoted are US$ suggested list prices as of September 1995 and are subject to change without notice.